I know that module-info.java is recognized by jdk9+

I wonder however whether module-info.java can still be used in combination with target level 8.

E.g. I want my library to be used in java9+ projects, which will recognize it as a module exporting specific packages, but also be used in java8 projects as a plain jar file.


1 Answer 1


The Multi-Release JAR files are meant for the exact same purpose itself.

In a JDK that does not support MRJARs, only the classes and resources in the root directory will be visible, and the two packagings will be indistinguishable.

In a JDK that does support MRJARs, the directories corresponding to any later Java platform release would be ignored; it would search for classes and resources first in the Java platform-specific directory corresponding to the currently-running major Java platform release version, then search those for lower versions, and finally the JAR root.

On a Java 9 JDK, it would be as if there were a JAR-specific class path containing first the version 9 files, and then the JAR root; on a Java 8 JDK, this class path would contain only the JAR root.

For an example of this based on Maven, take a look at this - maven-jep238.

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