Suppose I have following DAG dependencies:

        /> DAG B -->....
DAG A ---> DAG C -->...
        \> DAG D -->...

These DAGs are running daily, and output of DAG A is consumed by DAG B,C,D respectively.

If the DAG A failed (e.g. Spark job had a bug and we want to re-execute it after the fix), how to make sure we also re-run DAGs B,C,D etc so that now they run with fixed DAG A output ? Can it be done automatically ?

2 Answers 2


You could have a separate Main DAG (controller_dag) and use TriggerDagRunOperator to trigger different DAGs.

The dependencies between tasks using TriggerDagRunOperator can be set in the following way:

dag_a >> [dag_b, dag_c, dag_d] >> ...

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