I have a function that does some arithmetic stuff (quantile normalization) over either a numpy array or pandas dataframe. When you put in a ndarray, you should get back a ndarray, and when you put in a pandas dataframe you should get back a dataframe:
from typing import Union, overload
def quantile_normalize(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: ...
def quantile_normalize(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ...
def quantile_normalize(data: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]:
However when I try to test this with mypy it complains:
qnorm/quantile_normalize.py:72: error: Overloaded function signature 2 will never be matched: signature 1's parameter type(s) are the same or broader
The problems and answers so far I have found related to this issue all seem to be related to optional input/output and None types. A pandas dataframe and a numpy array are related, however, they should be distinguishible by mypy.
available? E.g. runpip install data-science-types
, remove ignores for missingnumpy
type hints and check whether the error persists.