I have this script uses regular expressions to check that a form field contains a valid email address.Please explain me from declare

var emailfilter=/^\w+[\+\.\w-]*@([\w-]+\.)*\w+[\w-]*\.([a-z]{2,4}|\d+)$/i;

Thank you


<script type="text/javascript">

* Email Validation script- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
* This notice must stay intact for legal use.
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code

var emailfilter=/^\w+[\+\.\w-]*@([\w-]+\.)*\w+[\w-]*\.([a-z]{2,4}|\d+)$/i

function checkmail(e){
var returnval=emailfilter.test(e.value)
if (returnval==false){
alert("Please enter a valid email address.")
return returnval


<input name="myemail" type="text" style="width: 270px"> <input type="submit" onClick="return checkmail(this.form.myemail)" value="Submit" />


6 Answers 6



/ = Begin an expression
^ = The matched string must begin here, and only begin here
\w = any word (letters, digits, underscores)
+ = match previous expression at least once, unlimited number of times
[] = match any character inside the brackets, but only match one
\+\. = match a literal + or .
\w = another word
- = match a literal -
* = match the previous expression zero or infinite times
@ = match a literal @ symbol
() = make everything inside the parentheses a group (and make them referencable)
[] = another character set
\w- = match any word or a literal -
+ = another 1 to infinity quantifier
\. = match another literal .
* = another 0 to infinity quantifier
\w+ = match a word at least once
[\w-]*\. = match a word or a dash at least zero times, followed by a literal .
() = another group
[a-z]{2,4} = match lowercase letters at least 2 times but no more than 4 times
| = "or" (does not match pipe)
\d+ = match at least 1 digit
$ = the end of the string
/ = end an expression
i = test the string in a case i nsensitive manner

Or you could try this awesome link. You know, whatever.

var emailfilter=/^\w+[\+\.\w-]*@([\w-]+\.)*\w+[\w-]*\.([a-z]{2,4}|\d+)$/i

is Regulare expression to test email addres.

Read about regurlare expression on wiki :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression



emailfilter is a regular expression against which the e.value that you entered in text field is getting tested.

If the passes the regex than the email is valid.


There are several sites online that you can type a regex into and get an explanation for in words. One of them is http://www.strfriend.com/.

EDIT: More viewers here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/772594/regular-expression-explained-with-words.


This code is just checks validity of entered email addresses by given regular expression, if value is not valid - alert is shown to user.

If you are not really clear with Regualar Expressions, there are tons info on that:



It's a broken test for valid RFC 5322 e-mail addresses.

It doesn't cope with quoted user parts, internationalised domain names, or TLDs that have more than 4 characters in them (e.g. .museum, .travel).

At the same time, it incorrectly permits domain name labels that have a leading or trailing - in them.


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