I have a script that usually allows me to plot Odds Ratios with plot_model. However, when I tried to run it today, I got two errors.

When using plot_model on a model that runs, RStudio told me the function could not be found.

I ensured sjPlot was installed and loaded and then tried using sjPlot::plot_model... to make sure R looked in the right package, but I got another error: object ‘standard_error_robust’ is not exported by 'namespace:parameters'

  1. What might cause that error?

  2. How might I solve the problem to get the plot_model function working again?


2 Answers 2


@Stefan found the answer for me on a GitHub page.

I'm pasting the steps that I used from that page below:

  1. Restart R (or RStudio, or whatever you're using)
  2. If RStudio, also press Shift + F10
  3. Run easystats::install_latest()
  4. Run install.packages(c("sjstats", "sjPlot"))

For this, I tried everything but ultimately one thing worked for me:

I had to update all the libraries in R console, it worked for me

update.packages(ask = FALSE)

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