I receive a string which sometimes has double-quotes at the start and/or end. I need the string without the quotes. I tried following the C# code in this question, but that doesn't compile:

Imports System

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim text As String = """Text"""
        Console.WriteLine("Original value: " & text)

        Dim trimmed As String = text.Trim('"')
        Console.WriteLine("Trimmed value: " & trimmed)
    End Sub
End Module

Without the last two lines, this prints:

Original value: "Text"

I want the final code to print:

Original value: "Text"
Trimmed value: Text

The compile-time error I receive is:

Program.vb(9,55): error BC30198: ')' expected.

(Line 9 is the Trim call.)

How should I change my code to compile and trim the quotes?

2 Answers 2


In C#, " doesn't need to be escaped in character literals.

The syntax for VB character literals is a bit different. It's like a string literal, but with a C suffix. To use a double-quote, you need to double it in the character literal, just like in the string literal. Here's your original example, but fixed:

Imports System

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim text As String = """Text"""
        Console.WriteLine("Original value: " & text)
        Dim trimmed As String = text.Trim(""""C)
        Console.WriteLine("Trimmed value: " & trimmed)
    End Sub
End Module

The output is now as desired.

Note that this won't help with double-quotes within the string though, as Trim only looks at the start and end. To remove all double-quotes, you should use String.Replace instead. Here's an example:

Imports System

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim text As String = """Before middle quote""After middle quote"""
        Console.WriteLine("Original value: " & text)

        Dim trimmed As String = text.Trim(""""C)
        Console.WriteLine("Trimmed value: " & trimmed)

        Dim replaced As String = text.Replace("""", "")
        Console.WriteLine("Replaced value: " & replaced)
    End Sub
End Module


Original value: "Before middle quote"After middle quote"
Trimmed value: Before middle quote"After middle quote
Replaced value: Before middle quoteAfter middle quote

Of course, you could replace the double-quote with a string, or a single quote instead.


In VB it was annoying remembering how many quotes to use. I found ControlChars.Quote handy.

    Dim text As String = """Text"""
    text = text.Trim(ControlChars.Quote)

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