I'm trying to strongly type our code base. A big part of the code is handling events that come from external devices and forwarding them to different handlers. These events all have a value attribute, but this value can have different types. This value type is mapped per event name. So a temperature event always has an int value, an register event always as RegisterInfo as its value.

So I would like to map the event name to the value type. But we are struggling with implementation.

This setup comes the closest to what we want:

class EventBase:
    name: str
    value: Any
    value_type: str

class RegisterEvent(EventBase):
    value: RegisterInfo
    name: Literal["register"]
    value_type: Literal["RegisterInfo"] = "RegisterInfo"

class NumberEvent(EventBase):
    value: float | int
    name: Literal["temperature", "line_number"]
    value_type: Literal["number"] = "number"

class StringEvent(EventBase):
    value: str
    name: Literal["warning", "status"]
    value_type: Literal["string"] = "string"

Events: TypeAlias = RegisterEvent | NumberEvent | StringEvent

With this setup mypy will flag incorrect code like:

def handle_event(event: Events):
    if event.name == "temperature":

(It sees that a temperature event should have value type int, and that doesn't have an upper() method)

But creating the events becomes ugly this way. I don't want a big if statement that maps each event name to a specific event class. We have lots of different event types, and this mapping info is already inside these classes.

Ideally I would like it to look like this:

def handle_device_message(message_info):
    event_name = message_info["event_name"]
    event_value = message_info["event_value"]

    event = Events(event_name, event_value)

Is a "one-liner" like this possible?

I feel like we are kinda walking against wall here, could it be that the code is architecturally wrong?

  • 1
    What is EventsTest? Please make sure you use consistent names in your examples. Also, if you are seeing some error, please provide the actual error. A minimal reproducible example should ideally be one single block of code and one block for the output/error you are getting. To your issue: Are you committed to dataclasses or would you be willing to use a third-party package like Pydantic? Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 10:35
  • EventsTest was indeed a copy mistake, my bad. My question is not about an error. I did my best to make question as small as possible. We are not committed to dataclasses. I'm a little bit familiar with pydantic, but could you point me to a feature of pydantic that would help us here? Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 11:28
  • 1
    Ah, I misunderstood the reference to the mypy error as something unexpected. Now I see what your intent was. Yes, I think I can. I'll write answer for you later. (On mobile now.) Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 11:44
  • With raw python without Pydantic, you can create overloaded definition, that accepts name (Literal you use in dataclass) and value (corresponding value), like @overload def parse(name: Literal['temperature', 'line_number'], value: float; @overload def parse(name: Literal['warning', 'status'], value: str), etc, and resolve in the actual implementation. The only drawback would be significant duplication, and I don't see any easy way to decouple this.
    – STerliakov
    Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 16:30

1 Answer 1


UPDATE: Using Pydantic v2

If you are willing to switch to Pydantic instead of dataclasses, you can define a discriminated union via typing.Annotated and use the TypeAdapter as a "universal" constructor that is able to discriminate between distinct Event subtypes based on the provided name string.

Here is what I would suggest:

from typing import Annotated, Any, Literal

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, TypeAdapter

class EventBase(BaseModel):
    name: str
    value: Any

class NumberEvent(EventBase):
    name: Literal["temperature", "line_number"]
    value: float

class StringEvent(EventBase):
    name: Literal["warning", "status"]
    value: str

Event = TypeAdapter(Annotated[
    NumberEvent | StringEvent,

event_temp = Event.validate_python({"name": "temperature", "value": 3.14})
event_status = Event.validate_python({"name": "status", "value": "spam"})

print(repr(event_temp))    # NumberEvent(name='temperature', value=3.14)
print(repr(event_status))  # StringEvent(name='status', value='spam')

An invalid name would of course cause a validation error, just like a completely wrong and type for value (that cannot be coerced). Example:

from pydantic import ValidationError

    Event.validate_python({"name": "temperature", "value": "foo"})
except ValidationError as err:

    Event.validate_python({"name": "foo", "value": "bar"})
except ValidationError as err:


        "type": "float_parsing",
        "loc": [
        "msg": "Input should be a valid number, unable to parse string as a number",
        "input": "foo",
        "url": "https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.1/v/float_parsing"
        "type": "union_tag_invalid",
        "loc": [],
        "msg": "Input tag 'foo' found using 'name' does not match any of the expected tags: 'temperature', 'line_number', 'warning', 'status'",
        "input": {
            "name": "foo",
            "value": "bar"
        "ctx": {
            "discriminator": "'name'",
            "tag": "foo",
            "expected_tags": "'temperature', 'line_number', 'warning', 'status'"
        "url": "https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.1/v/union_tag_invalid"

Original Answer: Using Pydantic v1

If you are willing to switch to Pydantic instead of dataclasses, you can define a discriminated union via typing.Annotated and use the parse_obj_as function as a "universal" constructor that is able to discriminate between distinct Event subtypes based on the provided name string.

Here is what I would suggest:

from typing import Annotated, Any, Literal

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, parse_obj_as

class EventBase(BaseModel):
    name: str
    value: Any

class NumberEvent(EventBase):
    name: Literal["temperature", "line_number"]
    value: float

class StringEvent(EventBase):
    name: Literal["warning", "status"]
    value: str

Event = Annotated[
    NumberEvent | StringEvent,

event_temp = parse_obj_as(Event, {"name": "temperature", "value": "3.14"})
event_status = parse_obj_as(Event, {"name": "status", "value": -10})

print(repr(event_temp))    # NumberEvent(name='temperature', value=3.14)
print(repr(event_status))  # StringEvent(name='status', value='-10')

In this usage demo I purposefully used the "wrong" types for the respective value fields to show that Pydantic will automatically try to coerce them to the right types, once it determines the correct model based on the provided name.

An invalid name would of course cause a validation error, just like a completely wrong and type for value (that cannot be coerced). Example:

from pydantic import ValidationError

    parse_obj_as(Event, {"name": "temperature", "value": "foo"})
except ValidationError as err:

    parse_obj_as(Event, {"name": "foo", "value": "bar"})
except ValidationError as err:


        "loc": [
        "msg": "value is not a valid float",
        "type": "type_error.float"
        "loc": [
        "msg": "No match for discriminator 'name' and value 'foo' (allowed values: 'temperature', 'line_number', 'warning', 'status')",
        "type": "value_error.discriminated_union.invalid_discriminator",
        "ctx": {
            "discriminator_key": "name",
            "discriminator_value": "foo",
            "allowed_values": "'temperature', 'line_number', 'warning', 'status'"

Side notes

An alias for a union of types like NumberEvent | StringEvent should still have a singular name, i.e. Event rather than Events because semantically the annotation e: Event indicates e should be an instance of one of those types, whereas e: Events would suggest e will be multiple instances (a collection) of either of those types.

Also the union float | int is almost always equivalent to float because int is by convention considered a subtype of float by all type checkers.

  • Thanks for your Answer! Will try tomorrow, but looks very promising. Also good call on the side notes, was not aware of the float | int thingy Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 13:53
  • Unfortunately mypy complains on parse_obj_as with the following error: Argument 1 to "parse_obj_as" has incompatible type "<typing special form>"; expected "Type[<nothing>]" Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 13:21
  • 1
    Then that goes to show that parse_obj_as is incorrectly annotated because as you can see it works just fine, if we pass the annotated union to it. I'll check the issue tracker. Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 15:59
  • 1
    @QuintvanDijk After digging a little bit deeper, this error seems to have nothing to do with the parse_as_obj annotation per se, but is instead caused by the fact that Mypy considers passing a type union U | V as an argument to a generic function def f(t: type[T]) -> T: ... (for example) to be an error. This is strange and not universal behavior. Pyright seems to allow this. Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 17:46
  • 1
    @QuintvanDijk I filed a bug report with Mypy. If I am correct and this gets fixed, the code above with parse_obj_as should work fine. Commented Jun 2, 2023 at 21:12

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