I've been working to try and make a slide for a presentation with a 4x4 set of figures showing four different Directed Acyclic Graphs. However, it seems that Quarto won't resize the diagrams for the columns. I tried simplifying this down and noticed that not only would it not resize them, but, it would also cut off graphs if a column width was too narrow. Here is a reprex showing this odd behavior. What can I do here to have quarto diagrams respect the column resizing?

First, this looks fine.

title: "test"
format: revealjs

# DAG Before You Model

digraph {

layout = neato

m [
    shape = none
    pos = "-1,1!"

d [
    shape = none
    pos = "0,0!"

a [
    shape = none
    pos = "1,1!"

m -> d
a -> d


But, with this modification, things get weird and cut-off.

title: "test"
format: revealjs

# DAG Before You Model

::: {.columns}

::: {.column width="50%"}

digraph {

layout = neato

m [
    shape = none
    pos = "-1,1!"

d [
    shape = none
    pos = "0,0!"

a [
    shape = none
    pos = "1,1!"

m -> d
a -> d


::: {.column width="50%"}


The cutoff diagram

If you mess with the column widths, you can start getting the cutoff part back, but, the diagram never resizes.

Running quarto 1.4.549 R 4.3.2

  • This looks like a bug. Maybe you can submit an issue?
    – Quinten
    Commented Feb 14 at 14:25


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