1. I changed dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf to
  2. Got a Jupyter server on WSL to access it via neo4j://
  3. Shut WSL down
  4. Changed dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf to localhost
  5. Got a Jupyter server on Windows to access Neo4j via bolt://localhost:7687

It's now 10x slower than before I started WSL up. I would very much appreciate if anybody had any idea on how to fix this and could share it with me.

2 Answers 2


Sounds perhaps like a network/DNS issue? Like as if it is doing a DNS request for every packet that it sends?

What happens when you put the local IP back into the config?


So, with @michael-hunger 's encouragement, here are some test results:

  • dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf: localhost
  • Accessing Neo4j via: neo4j://localhost:7687
  • Test run time: 45 minutes and 58 seconds

  • dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf:
  • Accessing Neo4j via: neo4j://localhost:7687
  • Test run time: 6 minutes and 40 seconds

  • dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf:
  • Accessing Neo4j via: bolt://localhost:7687
  • Test run time: 8 minutes and 26 seconds

  • dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf:
  • Accessing Neo4j via: neo4j://
  • Test run time: 7 minutes and 27 seconds

  • dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf:
  • Accessing Neo4j via: bolt://
  • Test run time: 8 minutes and 42 seconds

  • dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf:
  • Accessing Neo4j via: neo4j://
  • Test run time: 7 minutes and 8 seconds

  • dbms.default_listen_address in C:\neo4j\conf\neo4j.conf:
  • Accessing Neo4j via: bolt://
  • Test run time: 7 minutes and 23 seconds

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