I want to be able to run Windows Docker Containers on my Mac, it seems this was sort of supported using Docker Toolbox How can I run a docker windows container on osx?
But it seems that this is now deprecated and we should be using Docker Desktop now.
Docker Desktop has a better and New Hypervisor called HyperKit instead of Virtual Box https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/docker-toolbox/
Docker toolbox allowed starting Windows Containers using VirtualBox, so not sure if that mean's that this is still possible?
I have found a reference to putting Docker Desktop into "Windows Container Mode" here https://www.clearpeople.com/insights/blog/2018/june/sitecore-demo-in-a-docker-container
But I cannot find anywhere to enable this, any help or insight would be very much appreciated.
There is a related question here How can I run a docker windows container on osx? but it's so old that is irrelevant and should not be a reason to lock this question.