My pc run arch linux, i'am already using copilot with neovim and intelij idea, i tried to use with vs code but, although i was able to install the extension successfully and make it trusted by github, the code completion not work.

After the extension installation i had to log in to my Github account, it was a little hard but after some attempts i did it. I tried to use the official version of vs code founded in the AUR but nothing. In the internet, via chat gpt or in the arch wiki of vs code i couldn't find help. here my copilot extension settings:

    "github.copilot.enable": {
        "*": true,
        "yaml": false,
        "plaintext": false,
        "markdown": false,
        "scminput": false,
        "c": true
    "github.copilot.advanced": {

my version of vs code is 1.77.3 i also report that for use the microsoft visual studio marketplace on arch's vs code, you have to install from the aur this extension: code-marketplace.

This is my first post on stack overflow so wish me luck.

1 Answer 1


If you are using AUR Code-OSS editor you need to remove it.

For fix this issue you can install AUR visual-studio-code-bin editor it is working.

  • tank you very much, now it work. I could have thought of that myself. Commented May 16, 2023 at 11:02
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    – Community Bot
    Commented May 16, 2023 at 12:28

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