I'm coming back to frontend web development and i thought it would be funny to try using NuxtJS 3 as my first framework.

I'm a backend dev (PHP, GoLang, C#) just trying to learn something new so my project doesn't need to be perfect but i'm hiting a wall trying to transform something that is working with useFetch (and load the whole content but take a long time to do it) toward using useLazyFetch (so the page load quickly and the content fills up over time).

So here's the TS part of my component :

<script setup>
        const props = defineProps([
        const route = useRoute();
        let fetchedPost = {
            Id: "",
            SharedId: "",
            OwnerUid: "",
            Content: "",
            ReplyTo: "",
            QuoteTo: "",
            DatePost: "",
            DateEdit: "",
            DateDeleted: "",
        let finalPost = ref({
            Id: "",
            UserName: "",
            Name: "",
            Content: "",
            DatePost: "",
            SharedId: "",
            ReplyTo: "",
            QuoteTo: "",
            ReactionsCount: "",
            ShareQuotedCount: "",
            ResponseCount: "",
        const { data: dataPost, pending } = await useFetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/bp/post/${props.Id}`);
        if (dataPost.value) {
            fetchedPost = dataPost?.value?.Data.post;
            finalPost.value.Id = fetchedPost.Id;
            finalPost.value.Content = fetchedPost.Content;
            finalPost.value.DatePost = fetchedPost.DatePost;
            finalPost.value.SharedId = fetchedPost.SharedId;
            finalPost.value.ReplyTo = fetchedPost.ReplyTo;
            finalPost.value.QuoteTo = fetchedPost.QuoteTo;
            const { data: dataUser } = await useFetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/bp/user/i/${fetchedPost.OwnerUid}`);
            if (dataUser.value) {
                let fetchedUser = dataUser?.value?.Data.user
                finalPost.value.UserName = fetchedUser.Username;
                finalPost.value.Name = fetchedUser.Name;
            const { data: countRepliesData } = await useFetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/bp/post/${props.Id}/replies/count`);
            if (countRepliesData.value) {
                finalPost.value.ResponseCount = countRepliesData?.value?.Data.count;
            const { data: countSharesQuotesData } = await useFetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/bp/post/${props.Id}/shares/count`);
            if (countSharesQuotesData.value) {
                finalPost.value.ShareQuotedCount = countSharesQuotesData?.value?.Data.count;
            const { data: countReactData } = await useFetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/bp/post/${props.Id}/reactions/count`);
            if (countReactData.value) {
                finalPost.value.ReactionsCount = countReactData?.value?.Data.count;

I attempted to replace the useFetch with useLazyFetch, and the stupid part is that it works when I just replace the first one (calling for data: dataPost), save, Nuxt hot-reload the code, i can see my post filling up with all the datas, but when i refresh the page, all my datas are gone, and i can't figure out why.

Note that the project is configured as ssr:false in the nuxt config file.

I guess i did something wrong, but since i have a pretty low experience in frontend development in general and nuxt in particular, i guess i may have missed something stupid. So please, enlighten me. (Also, don't hesitate to give me advice on a better way to chain my fetch calls, i am here to learn).

thanks in advance!

2 Answers 2


I cannot think of a better idea for chained useFetch. I'll try to make it simpler.

First, in order to make the useLazyFetch to work, you need to disable the ssr on the entire app or on a specific route. Here's how you do it.


// Disable SSR on your entire app
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: false

To disable ssr on a specific page, add this on the config file.

// Disable SSR on a specific route
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  routeRules: {
    'you-specified-route': { ssr: false }

See Rendering Nuxt rendering modes documentation

Once that is setup, you should be able to use the useLazyFetch composable in your pages.

Here is my example of chaining of fetching data and it works

<script setup lang="ts">
interface UserData {
    name: string
    email: string
    phone: number
const finalData = ref<UserData | null>(null)
const { data: first, pending } = await useLazyFetch('/api/first-api')

// Watch any changes on the 'first' data
watch(first, async (newValue, oldValue) => {
    // The oldValue will be null and the newValue will store the data from the API
    // console.log(oldValue)
    if (newValue) {
        const { data: second } = await useFetch('/api/second-api')
        finalData.value = second.value

// This will display if loading state of the API
watch(pending, (newValue, oldValue) => {
    console.log('Is loading', oldValue)
    console.log('Is loading', newValue)
        <div v-if="pending">
            {{ finalData }}

enter image description here enter image description here

Tested and it works. Hope that helps you.

  • oh nice! i had to adapt it a little bit of course but now it works perfectly. i was sure that had something to do with the watch function but i couldn't figurate how to use it properly (i missed the use the the async in the call of it). that's amazing, thank you very much i was going mad with that thing! Commented Jul 28, 2023 at 16:44

The issues you are experiencing are due to server side rendering on the initial visit of the page. Reloading (via F5) also is treated as a initial page visit. Navigation on the page or hot-reload on the other hand are happening on the client side. This is why useLazyFetch works after hot-reloading in your case but not in conjunction with SSR.

Like stated in the docs I think you can achieve what you want by using the following approach which works lazy but runs on the client side only:

const { data: countRepliesData } = await useFetch(`http://localhost:8080/api/v1/bp/post/${props.Id}/replies/count`, {
  lazy: true,
  server: false
  • doesn't work, useLazyFetch is basically useFetch with the lazy parameter already at true. And i forgot to mentionned but my project is configured as ssr : false so i guess the server: false is already here too. i've tested what you posted anyway and it and it doesn't work :/. Commented Jul 27, 2023 at 21:05

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