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Oracle Procedure - Calling Procedures with Procedure records not inserted

I have an Oracle procedure that calls multiple procedures, structured as follows: Parent Procedure ChildProc1: Inserts 180 records into TableA ChildProc2: Inserts 180 more records into TableA ...
H20rider's user avatar
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Can't get the correct output when connecting C++ and SQL

Here are the instructions for the PL/SQL procedures, as well as the C++ function, but I can't seem to get it right. customer_order (customerID IN number, orderID IN OUT number) This procedure ...
Alyssa Manlosa's user avatar
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How to get the difference of 2 dates between the column B of current Row with the column A of the past row GROUPING with a column C?

i have big difficult to make an SQL code, i think the logic is specific... I have 3 column: A opening date, the datas are ordered by this column a closing date (of a trade) First, I want to get the ...
the_driver's user avatar
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How to convert RAW column with Java-Object-Streams to plaintext VARCHAR2

I am working in a project where in the past they have chosen to store lists of country codes as a Java-Object-Stream using the RAW datatype in the Oracle DB. So for example, ['AW'] would be saved as ...
Nermin's user avatar
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SQL developer not show results if they match certain criteria

I'm trying to make a oracle sql developer query to return items which only meet certain criteria. The problem I'm facing is that one item can have multiple conditions and based on those conditions I ...
Aidas Dem's user avatar
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Java spring boot jpa and oracle db is slow

I have question regarding slowly retrieving data from a database using java spring boot jpa - jbdc driver. I am new java programmer, so take it easy please :) In DBeaver, simple select (without joins) ...
Lukas Caniga's user avatar
-1 votes
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Caused by: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize Caused by: null

I have a generic hibernate exception: Caused by: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize at org.hibernate.internal.util.SerializationHelper.doDeserialize(...
Michu93's user avatar
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How to create a Linked Server to Oracle in SQL Server running in a container

I need to create a Linked Server from SQL Server to Oracle. Both database servers must be running in a container. I'm planning on using the following images:
GomalId's user avatar
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With Windows 11 upgrade, VBA Microsoft Excel add-in tool is not connecting to the 10g Oracle database any longer using MSDAORA

With Windows 11 upgrade, VBA Microsoft Excel add-in tool is not connecting to the 10g Oracle database any longer using MSDAORA. What we have - Oracle 10g Database, 10g Oracle Client What are we doing -...
Christopher Blick's user avatar
-3 votes
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SQL Oracle - Looking for query to check if record exists (Y/N)

I have two tables (Items and Options) I need a query that will pull all items and make a validation (Y/N) against the options for that item: Here are the tables Items id name 1 Table 2 Chair 3 Box ...
Inigo CA's user avatar
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Oracle 23: users and databases

In previous versions of Oracle, a schema was owned by a database user and had the same name as that user. Is that true in Oracle 23? I wonder whether a user in Oracle 23 can access several ‘databases’ ...
Bea Pérez Valle's user avatar
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how to use dynamic SQL in Application Express

I'm trying to figure out how to use dynamic SQL in Application Express. I have a field called SQL TEXT where users will be able to pass some commands, like SELECT, for example. And below, there is a ...
Iago Camelo's user avatar
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fill gaps in outer join in redshift

I have a table that contains products and sales data. Unfortunately, not every month a given product was sold, and I would like unsold products in a given month to also be shown. In Oracle, the query ...
l_obr's user avatar
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Connecting to Oracle Database from Dockerized Spring Boot Application

I have created a spring boot application that connects to an external Oracle server residing separately and it works perfectly from my machine when I run the App from IntelliJ. I have now created a ...
AnR's user avatar
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Transform column data into row data in oracle sql

I have a table called customers which contains customers account details like month, account, inactive_accs. Table: Month accounts inactive_accs 2023-11-01 2500 310 2023-12-01 2900 260 2024-01-01 ...
Vinay's user avatar
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How to import multiple records with MERGE function to an oracle DB via Python

I am trying to import data from a .csv file into an Oracle DB using Python. So far it works fine if the .csv file contains 10 records. If I increase the number of records in the .csv file to 1.000.000,...
Jegor Wieler's user avatar
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How to use condition in column in group by with agg request

it's a bit hard to explain, i dont know how to use a condition in a column-select attribute in a SQL who have group by and aggregat functions... Session DateStart DateEnd TradeID TradeKP 1 2024-12-...
the_driver's user avatar
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How to execute a "where in" query with rust and oracle?

I have found an example from the oracle crate documentation: let sql = "select ename, sal, comm from emp where deptno = :1"; let rows = conn.query(sql, &[&30])?; But I have a list ...
muturgan's user avatar
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How to create oracle db environment in c++ with occi lib?

How to connect with oracle occi C++ library to a docker container - at least creating the environment? I can connect with a user I created in an oracle 23 free db in a docker container with sqlplus ...
Stefan Bollmann's user avatar
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Could you please explain to me the principal differences (if possible with some example) in simple explanation between JSON_ARRAYAGG and JSON_ARRAY and where these are better to use.
Roman Ieromenko's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to move Oracle database backup from Dell Datadomain to cloud storage (e.g. S3) using Veeam [closed]

I have a number of huge Oracle databases and the backup of these database have been sending to DataDomain (using RMAN and DD as VTL), and I would like to move those Oracle database backup to cloud ...
kokei's user avatar
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Combine this two-table data in a single result from two different tables

Table trusted_device_details: DEVICE_TYPE DEVICE_NAME DEVICE_ID Created Date Time Last Accessed Date Time IP_ADDRESS USER_ID CLIENT_CODE MOBIL APP IPHONE 6S 4455555 8-Dec-24 12/8/2024 16:01 ...
user2713588's user avatar
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Upgrading Oracle Database from 11g to 23AI FREE and cannot log on from application

I'm upgrading my Oracle Database from 11g to 23AI FREE, got all my data, procedures, functions, packages and user accounts/information migrated from the 11g database to the 23AI database and I'm able ...
Prescott Chartier's user avatar
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Trigger for inserts works fine, but the one for updates throws an error since I'm trying to get access to its table

I need to make two seperate triggers (it is required to be made that way), one for the inserts and one for the updates on a table contaning different stages of a project which id's comes from another ...
Jack's user avatar
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SQL - Keep Most Recent Records with Accompanying Values [closed]

I am trying to write a query in Oracle (Toad) that will return an ID and a few accompanying values for the most recent entry of a record. For some records, the most recent value will be several months ...
Lance Gibson's user avatar
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Any way to get pid from x$ksuse (v$session) without hitting x$ksupr (v$process)?

Does anyone know of a way to get the PID (x$ksupr.indx => v$ of an Oracle session from any other table than x$ksupr itself? As of 19c, at least, the only column available to us from ...
Paul W's user avatar
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SQL Oracle adding new rows to CTE

I'm trying to add addition rows to a CTE table using Oracle SQL and I can't quite get it to work. I've read up and it appears using INSERT INTO () is my best option, but I feel I am missing something ...
Jordan Hersey's user avatar
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ORA-24247: network access refused by access control list (ACL) [closed]

ORA-29273: échec de demande HTTP ORA-06512: à "APEX_190100.WWV_FLOW_WEB_SERVICES", ligne 1035 ORA-24247: accès réseau refusé par la liste de contrôle d'accès (ACL) ORA-06512: à "SYS....
Asma ABBES's user avatar
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how can i solve the problem of windows service [closed]

i installed and removed oracle several times it cant running on my computer i am taking a database course and i already toke my first lab, but oracle does not work . that is the situation. SQL*Plus: ...
Mohamed Elhaware's user avatar
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Grant rights to create tables in a particular Oracle schema

What is the correct procedure for allowing team members to develop applications and create tables in only a specific schema? I am running Oracle 12C. If I create a schema - say MYAPP1 - how should I ...
Hussain Akbar's user avatar
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One-to-many relationship check in Oracle

Is there a beautiful simple solution how to check if two tables have one-to-many relationship between each other using only their names as parameters? I've seen solutions with joining tables on ...
Yan Vitkovskiy's user avatar
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Automating Google Analytics Data Extraction to Oracle APEX Database

I'm looking to automate the extraction of Google Analytics data into an Oracle APEX database table without user interaction. I've successfully tested the API (POST
srimathi's user avatar
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SQL Oracle update with join and case missing right paranthesis

basically I don't know what is wrong with my query, can u help? : It gives me: [42000][907] ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis UPDATE (SELECT CAR_CODE as OLD, V.FKEY as VCODE, S.FKEY as SCODE, UA....
SereneAtk's user avatar
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Recursive CTE query runs indefinitely when joining two CTEs

I have two Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in an Oracle SQL query. Both CTEs (CTE_CID and CTE_BEN_DT) return results quickly when executed separately. However, when I join them and add a WHERE clause, ...
Deepak Ananth's user avatar
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PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT@DB_LINK' must be declared

I am trying to run a DDL statement, from an Oracle database on a Postgres database, through the procedure DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT like this: begin dbms_utility.exec_ddl_statement@DB_LINK( '...
Diogo dos Santos's user avatar
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Oracle: restrict access to table until procedure is done

I have a complex procedure and a table that this procedure updates. There is also a web service for the Administrator who must run the procedure, and a web service for Operators who actively work with ...
MrNVK's user avatar
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ORA-27104: system-defined limits for shared memory was misconfigured [closed]

I have installed oracle virtual box in that i have created two Linux nodes and installed oracle 19c in both the nodes. Its a similar configuration. i am able to mount database in the both the nodes ...
Keyan's user avatar
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How to combine multiple rows of a column while deduping the values in the column? [duplicate]

How can I get the result specified below? I tried using the LISTAGG function, but it does not eliminate duplicates. Is there a way to eliminate duplicates at the database itself instead of fetching ...
Jared's user avatar
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Query two SQL databases in the same Jupyter instance using jaydebeapi

I need to query two different databases in the same Jupyter notebook. The code below works great for each individual database section (Informix V Oracle), but when I run all commands, I get an error ...
Tea Meh's user avatar
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How to solve linker issue /usr/bin/ld: undefined references when linking oracle libraries [duplicate]

How can I build the following mwe? $ g++ -o stackoverflow stackoverflow.cpp -I/home/myuser/Downloads /instantclient_23_6/sdk/include -L/home/myuser/Downloads/instantclient_23_6
Stefan Bollmann's user avatar
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Combining Rows into Columns Based on a Condition

I have the following table: Eqp Date Value Eqp 1 01/12/2024 2500 Eqp 2 01/12/2024 2500 I want to transform it into this format: Eqp Another Eqp Date Value Eqp 1 Eqp 2 01/12/2024 2500 The idea ...
Gabriel G. Martins's user avatar
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Store big text in single CLOB column or break it into CHAR/VARCHAR2 rows?

Which one would be the better practice in terms of performance? Put big text data in a single CLOB column, or create a table, break the text from user input into multiple rows of 2000 lengths of ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Why does the query using SYSDATE to fetch the most recent date from the commandes table return no results?

SELECT * FROM commandes WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datecommande) = EXTRACT(MONTH FROM SYSDATE) AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM datecommande) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE); I need to return data from 2020, but ...
PRAIIIZ Fou's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to combine this two table data in a single result set with CTE [closed]

Query#1 WITH Devicerank AS (SELECT t.CHANNEL, t.user_id, t.device_name, t.device_id, t....
user2713588's user avatar
-3 votes
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Initialization error Could not load : oci.dll error in Oracle PHP Generator Professional [closed]

I have Oracle PHP Generator Professional licensed version and facing the issue as below Initialization error Could not load "E:\OracleDatabaseOrcl\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll" ...
ATUL ADHIKARI's user avatar
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Is Execute SQL script a preferable way to run PL/SQL?

I'm practicing Pentaho Spoon and I have 2 queries that use PL/SQL. The first query joins multiple tables in my Oracle database to calculate a value, then insert the value into a table in the database. ...
Ngoc's user avatar
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Setting up DSN for Oracle ODBC connection

I just installed Oracle DB Server. Now to test my program I'd like to set up DSN (data source name) for ODBC connection, however it's not really clear to me where to find the TNS Service Name. Is it ...
Igor's user avatar
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Oracle query question related to filtering criterias

Here is my oracle table Department Table**strong text** department_id varchar(25) primary key, employee_id number, occupation varchar(25) salary number as_of_date date Data is as follows ...
Brandon J's user avatar
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Oracle SQL - Recursive Query?

I am attempting to write a query that will return a distinct count of order numbers where the part (and then corresponding parts) can be found. Columns: ORDER_NO PART_NO AMOUNT A ...
Juniper567's user avatar
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Print Cumulative column values in Oracle SQL

I have the following data set: A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 1)I need to print as follows: A 1 A1 B 2 A1,B2 C 3 A1,B2,C3 D 4 A1,B2,C3,D4 2)I also need to print as follows: A 1 A1,B2,C3,D4 B 2 A1,B2,C3,D4 C 3 ...
user27817415's user avatar

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