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Failure/Error: choice = gets.chomp.upcase NoMethodError: undefined method `chomp' for nil [closed]

I have little experience in ruby development and I can't understand why this error occurs when running tests. Can you help me? class CashMachine START_BALANCE = 100.0 def initialize @balance =...
kickrich's user avatar
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Ruby gems update but old versions still present

I am trying to update rexml to 3.3.9. I updated the version in the Gemfile and run bundle update rexml I then ran gem list | grep rexml rexml (3.3.9) and checked the version running in the ...
lorenzo454's user avatar
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Ruby application deployed on Ubuntu 18, with issues with passenger and apache

This is what I have, how can I fix it? I have to say that I am using Apache to host my website, and I uninstalled them and installed Passenger but the error persists, what can I do? Or if the error is ...
Noe's user avatar
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Posting with headers

I have simple post using net/http. uri = URI("") params = {title: 'foo', body: 'bar'} Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, params) Now, I need to add a header, but I can't find a way ...
Sig's user avatar
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Deprecation Warning: "Bolding log text with a positional boolean is deprecated" when running Rails tests with Rspec

When running my tests in a Rails application, I see the following deprecation warning multiple times: DEPRECATION WARNING: Bolding log text with a positional boolean is deprecated and will be removed ...
Samuel Da Costa's user avatar
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Missing C-allocation functions inspite of include stdlib.h in old C++ - Ruby program

I am trying to get this PersonalRapidTransit simulation to run. It was written by John Lees-Miller 13 years ago, so assume that it uses C++11 or older. Unfortunately the Github repository is closed so ...
Mau's user avatar
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I am yielding to an ERB file, but it is rendering in plain text and not HTML. Why?

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0&...
Ian Lewis's user avatar
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ruby-inotify unexpected tilde ~ added to some reported file names

I have a ruby script that runs waiting for a scanned pdf document to be uploaded to a path and then does some additional processing and notifications. The scanner is a Canon ImageRunner scanner using ...
user3788685's user avatar
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Rails attachment delegation to another model optionally

I have two models InInvoice, Disbursement. Both are associated: InInvoice optionally belongs_to disbursement. Both have a has_one attachment called att. InInvoice is supposed to delegate att calls to ...
Julian's user avatar
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What's the purpose of "[0]" appended to a match method in ruby?

I was going through the Exception Handling chapter of the Bastards Book of Ruby and I came across a bit of code in between the lines of: while 1 puts "Enter a number>>" num = ...
ansatsuken's user avatar
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Struggling to install ruby and rails because of OpenSSL?

Just for some context of my system: Apple m4 chip Just switched from an older intel laptop to a m4 chip in case that makes any difference. Using rvm to install ruby Steps I took: `rvm install 3.3.6 ...
Rahul Agarwal's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to edit files and debug code inside rails console [closed]

After I am inside rails console, I modify the file two ways by doing vim <file_location> and saving file. This reloads file into console. Paste the entire file in rails console, this override ...
Himanshu Patel's user avatar
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rails validation destroying nested record

I have a Plot class with a nested MaterialInfo class populated via one form. class Plot < ApplicationRecord has_one :material_info, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :...
user1587804's user avatar
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Rubymine doesn't recognise .jb file types in New View File dialog [closed]

In rubymine, when working on a rails project, if i got the a controller action, in the left margin there is a file icon, when i click it it opens either the associated view for that action, or a ...
Brad's user avatar
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pins controller uploading duplicates of image rails

I'm stuck uploading 2 copies of each image i guess im gong to add a way to remove sepearte images but for now how do i stop duplicates? some help getting through the double vision would help. im ...
Brendhann Prior's user avatar
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Rails polymorphic association with flat namespace [closed]

I am upgrading a Rails app where the database is used by multiple applications. There is a Transaction model that is now in a namespace Engine. However the item_type is Book and not Engine::Book. ...
David Roy's user avatar
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Checking for errors in Ruby Net::HTTP::Get or Post when streaming the response?

I'm trying to read a streaming request using Net::HTTP. I get the response and check that I have a 200. What happens if the stream errors while I'm processing chunks? How do I get that error? ...
Mike DeAngelo's user avatar
-2 votes
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submitting the Edit Form Via PUT request [closed]

We need to update our form to submit via a PUT request. But as we've discussed, browsers only directly support POST requests. Update the HTML form to submit via a POST request. <p>Please enter ...
Braedon's user avatar
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rvm loading core modules not working over ssh command [closed]

I have a ruby script that's running just fine on a remote server if it's run locally. ruby /path/script.rb. It includes a few core extensions being required, require 'Time'; require Open3`. Running ...
Mike's user avatar
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Update Mac to point to Ruby Version 3.3.6 [duplicate]

I have been losing my mind on this for quite a while. I have Macbook with Sequoia 15.1.1. I installed Ruby with Homebrew. When I enter ruby -v it shows the version that comes with Mac 2.6.10. When I ...
Dwight's user avatar
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How to Link Metrics Data with Traces Using Exemplars in Ruby?

I'm working on linking metrics data with traces, and I discovered that Exemplars can be used for this purpose. In Go lang, I can achieve this with the following configuration: go if span.SpanContext()....
naga vijay kumar prathi's user avatar
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How to install install Msys2 package icu package for ruby gem?

I am trying to install the Ruby gem github-linguist. I am on a Windows machine, and I have tried executing gem install github-linguist via the Msys2, Mingw64, and the regular Windows command shell. I ...
KingWither's user avatar
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How to enable DevTools remote debugging on chrome

Trying to run selenum with ruby and getting below error DevTools remote debugging is disallowed by the system admin require 'selenium-webdriver' class SeleniumPoc def setup #options = Selenium::...
dj3094's user avatar
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Ruby environment in Dockerfile using RVM - FROM Ubuntu [duplicate]

In my small Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:24.04 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN apt update RUN apt update && apt install -y gnupg2 curl software-properties-common build-essential ...
OgnjenGligoric's user avatar
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Ruby code not showing up after I run it on VSCode?

I've been trying to learn Ruby programming language from the tutorial of freecodecamp but found out that Atom is basically dead. So I decided to use VSCode, everything goes well until I get to the ...
Lena's user avatar
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MacOS Cannot Install Jekyll

I can't install jekyll. I'm on MacOS 13.6.6. I've tried xcode-select --install and xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools as well as gem update --system. Nothing has worked and I ...
Jonah Robinson's user avatar
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How to extract inline calculation when working with enumerables in Ruby?

I am trying to make a FizzBuzz in Ruby based on an enumerable. It works when I inline the calculation: numb_array = (0..100) { |numb| if numb % 2 == 0 && numb % 3 == 0 ...
M C's user avatar
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Ruby active_record-acts_as gem issue with joining for child and parent class

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base actable as: :as_product end class Car < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as :product, as: :as_product end class Truck < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as :...
Matey Johnson's user avatar
-3 votes
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Rails database structure for multiple Projects in productive [closed]

we are currently on GKE and have a HA database for each rails project (service). But now we want to hand over GKE to Kamal. And there I was wondering if it is more usefuller to use maybe 3 databases ...
scotti8's user avatar
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Inconsistent ruby case statement behavior with trailing commas and assignments

Stumbled into a weird error, and I'm curious if anyone can explain this inconsistency or if I should send this to the ruby team as a proper bug. I'm currently using ruby 3.2.2. Take this script as a ...
Camway's user avatar
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Rails activerecord-import not work with unique key

model class User < ApplicationRecord validates :name, uniqueness: true end schema create_table 'users', force: :cascade, charset: 'utf8mb4', collation: '...
52zxc's user avatar
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FrozenError in colored2 gem while running pod install in CocoaPods 1.16.2

I'm encountering a FrozenError when trying to run pod install with CocoaPods 1.16.2. The error occurs during the execution of the colored2 gem, specifically in the ascii_decorator.rb file. The error ...
Danny's user avatar
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-4 votes
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What is causing NoMethodError?

I wrote this code for an exercise in pentesterlab: require 'httparty' require 'base64' URL = '' def login(username) res ='login.php',body:{...
Batman's user avatar
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How to setup Eclipse IDE for Ruby projects under Linux [duplicate]

This question already exists here and here, but I was advised to open a new one. For me on Ubuntu 24, the text editor fails to show anything, showing the error: org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: ...
MoritzMoreira's user avatar
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Simple Table of Contents in Rails is not working as intended

I had this thought of a simple Table of contents in Rails. I have created a new Rails 8 app, worked. I installed action text. Scaffold'ed out a post model with title and body. Body has the rich text ...
Developer3027's user avatar
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How to set up a Lambda Layer for Ruby's mysql2 library?

I've been trying to set up a Lambda Layer for my Ruby Lambda function but I can't make it work for some reason. I've followed AWS' tutorial on creating (
digopp22's user avatar
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Labels in yEd when import file.graphml with Ruby

I have a problem. I have the following code in Ruby, which creates a .graphml file from a file.json. require 'nokogiri' require 'json' require 'rexml/document' # Método para leer y parsear un archivo ...
pepaSoftware's user avatar
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PDF spec and PADES, adding images after signing to the document without invalidating previous signatures

I have a PADES document that was digitally signed with a certification signature. Also a DocMDP was added with level 2 (form filling and signing) permissions. Additional signers can sign the pdf and ...
dragonsdesign's user avatar
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PG::UndefinedTable: relation "csv_uploads" does not exist error despite migrations running successfully

I'm encountering an issue where I receive the following error in my Rails application: vbnet Copy code PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "csv_uploads" does not exist LINE 10: WHERE a....
nothing's user avatar
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Make interactive ruby REPL display results for consecutive commands, not only the last?

If I run this a = "hello" b = "world" a b in ruby irb(main):007> a = "hello" => "hello" irb(main):008> b = "world" => "world" ...
stevec's user avatar
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Trying to upgrade from Ruby 2.7.4 - 3.3.5 using Ansible & Packer

I'm new to Ansible and Ruby but I've been tasked with creating a new AWS AMI using Packer and Ansible. I have updated the following application.yml from version 2.7.4 to 3.3.5 and the build fails. ...
MichaelGoodpork's user avatar
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How to make HTTP connection to an IPv6 address in Ruby?

I am trying to perform a POST call to a REST service hosted on IPv6. require 'ipaddr' require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'base64' require 'uri' request_uri="https://[2002:cafe:cafe:cafe:...
Chigzz's user avatar
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Ruby namespace flattening gotchas?

I must use a ruby library that looks like it was written by a java developer because the namespaces are so looooooonngg. And I have to use a lot of the classes in the namespaces. I would like to make ...
Michael Deardeuff's user avatar
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Problem creating Issue with jira-ruby Gem

I am testing out using jira-ruby and creating an Issue in Jira. However, when I attempt to create an issue, I receive this error: /Users/xxx/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/jira-ruby-2....
modestgurgle's user avatar
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Brew on M3 Mac with Sequoia thinks the right Ruby is the El Capitan/Intel one

Upgraded a Mac from an Intel model to an M3 (ARM) one, migrated the files and settings. The ARM Mac is running Sequoia (15.1.1) As it always happens, the migrated Homebrew packages and brew itself ...
Seva Alekseyev's user avatar
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The yield command will not work as it should in Ruby

In the book "The Well-Grounded Rubyist" edition 3 on page 185 is the code. And the code for my_each is on page 183. It also involve code on page 184: Class Array # Put the definition of ...
Retufom's user avatar
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gem install psych fails on Ruby 3.3.4

I need to have 2 versions of ruby installed for separate projects (2.6.6p146 and 3.3.4). When I change ruby by using export PATH="...:/c/Ruby33-x64/bin:...", ruby -v reports 3.3.4. However, ...
peterburk's user avatar
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Ruby aws-sdk gem - how to list knowledge base sources?

I have several AWS Bedrock knowledge models. I know their IDs. Looking to a way to read/work with KB sources - for example - run sync process. Trying to use gem 'aws-sdk-bedrock' but it looks like it ...
prosto.vint's user avatar
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Bundle install stuck on devise_saml_authenticatable

Im trying to run bundle install --verbose on an existing ruby on rails project. But the bundle is hanging on this section 1: devise_saml_authenticatable (1.9.1) from /Users/'username'/.rbenv/versions/...
b.herring's user avatar
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Tying to read a URL with Ruby and open-uri is giving a 403 error

I have a process that has been running successfully on a Raspberry Pi for years that is now suddently failing. I am scraping a website so I am passing a URL to open-uri and then parsing it with ...
MarkB's user avatar
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