I am forming a JSON dynamically during the pipeline run based on few pipeline parameters and pre-defined environment variables and trying to pass this JSON as an input in subsequent pipeline task.
- job: PayloadCreation
pool: linux-agent (or windows)
- ${{ each app in apps }}:
- bash: |
payload=$(jq .artifact += [{"name": "${{ app.name}}, "version":"$(Build.BuildId)"}]' artifact.json)
echo $payload > artifact.json
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=payload]$payload"
I am getting the output of artifact.json
as well as variable $payload as follows -
"artifacts": [
"version": "1.0.1"
Subsequently, I am trying to use this JSON variable to pass it as input in the following job and unable to do so.
- job: JobB
- task: SericeNow-DevOps-Agent-Artifact-Registration@1
connectedServiceName: 'test-SC'
artifactsPayload: $(payload)
It is unable to read the JSON as input variable. I get the below error -
Artifact Registration could not be sent due to the exception: Unexpected token $ in JSON at position 0
Is there any other way a JSON could be passed as input variable?